Europeans justified their actions of colonizing Africa by claiming that it was their duty to bring civilization to Africa and improve the lives of Africans. Other Europeans were engaged in scientific inquiry of the continent while others were simply adventure seekers of fame or fortune. All were certain that their actions would help to drive trade in the future that would ultimately benefit Europe. By 1898, the Scramble for Africa resulted in almost all of the continent being swallowed up by the European states. Technological advancements such as steamboats, railways and the telegraph along with modern firearms assisted in conquering the African territories (Stearns, 2001). Both Europeans and Americans felt it was their responsibility to uplift, civilize and bring Christianity to native people which they referred to as the White Man’s Burden. Kipling justified European dominance by claiming that the lesser people needed to be civilized and should be grateful for the opportunities they are given by their captors (Kipling, 1899). Josiah Strong believed strongly that Anglo-Saxons were the superior race and that Christianity was the most powerful force for civilization around the world (Strong, 1891). Both Strong and Kipling’s thoughts were rooted in social Darwinism. 2)World War I marked a catastrophic break in world history. Why? What was the "Fin de Siecle" like as opposed to life after 1914? What examples can you cite of how disruptive the war was and how it changed social, political and cultural life? How does the damage the war caused still reverberate today? World War I was the first war that involved mass killings by soldiers using industrialized methods such as the machine gun and long range weapons. It was also the first war where civilians were targeted for murder, execution and atrocities. Additionally, the first genocide took place in Armenia in 1915 & 1916 where the Turks slaughtered the Armenians. The mentality of the leaders and soldiers was to exterminate the enemy not because they were seen as an adversary but because they were an inferior and savage race. The methods used were barbaric and almost animalistic. It was as if the soldiers viewed other people as prey and were compelled to annihilate anyone …show more content…
Europe had developed industry ahead of the rest of the world, and the Europeans’ superior technology had enabled them to conquer whole continents (Lang, 2011). Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Portugal and other countries were all trying to colonize and claim territories in Africa, Asia and others. Thousands of European and Asian immigrants migrated to the United States in search of a better life. Women began their quest for equality and many were making huge advances in medicine and education thanks to universities and colleges opening doors for them. There were vast changes in the art, music and literature during this period. It was the beginning of an era where technology, aviation, medicine, psychology and science were changing the world for the