Beyond The Veil
Fatima Mernissi
Syed Rizvi Fatima Mernissi’s book “Beyond The Veil” talks about how women are treated in Islam, political circle and the Arab culture. Like everything it has two sides, some people argue Islam empowered women in ancient Arab, where women were deprived of their rights. And, the other side argues, that women are mistreated in Islam, and have a lower status than men. In her book, Fatima Mernissi depicts both side of the story. She mostly focuses Morocco, and in the light of Moroccan culture, she describes the both sides i.e. how woman’s status is elevated and how they are deprived of their rights. In her book Mernissi shows her knowledge on study of sex roles, sexuality and sexual inequality …show more content…
If a man is allowed to attain sexual satisfaction from more than one woman, emotional and psychosomatic intimacy with one person is prevented from growing strong. This is further promised by rules, which command that he not favor any one wife and move from one to the next regularly. But, women is not allowed to take more than one husband at a time, so this has the added benefit of ensuring that she does not seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere. She is bound to one man for love and support; on the other hand, a man can seek this from multiple wives.
Another reason is “repudiation.” Through this, a man may divorce his wife at any time if he desires, and she cannot do anything about it. She, however, is not allowed the similar right. This once again safeguards that he can locate sexual satisfaction without necessarily having to devote time and determination in emotional intimacy. Islam gives man the steering to control the marriage; he can marry as many women he wants to, and divorce whenever he wishes. But, for a woman, she does not enjoy that …show more content…
Children belonged to the mother’s tribe. Women had sexual freedom to enter into and break off unions with more than one man, either simultaneously or successively. A woman could either reserve herself to one man at a time, on a more or less temporary basis, as in mut’a marriage, or she could be visited by many husbands at different times whenever their nomadic tribe or trade caravan came through the woman’s town or camping ground. The husband would come and go, the main unit was the mother and child within an entourage of