When the reader gets their first glimpse of Gatsby, he had his arms outstretched toward “a single green …show more content…
The reader does not yet know where this green light is coming from, but soon finds out, that the green light that he wants so badly is on the dock of Daisy Buchanan. Earlier in Gatsby’s life, he knew Daisy very well, and wanted to be with her forever. The problem was, that he went away to fight in the war. When he arrived home, Daisy was already married to a very wealthy man by the name of Tom Buchanan. Gatsby came up with the plan, that the only way to win Daisy back from Tom was to become wealthy as well. He soon found a way to make all the money he needed, and purchased the house directly across from the house with the green light. The green light becomes a symbol of Daisy throughout the novel. Gatsby ends up being so intrigued by the green light, that it is was almost more important to him than Daisy. She becomes a dream that Gatsby has in the green light itself. He finally realizes this when he is with Daisy at his house, he is staring at