Slavery has caused a lot of tension between north and south America since the 1820’s. The north believe that all slavery should be abolished, or at least prevented from spreading further. In document d, “I ask not that slavery be abolished, I demand that this government …show more content…
Many southerners believed that slaves were property and the government can not make laws about slavery. This is supported by document g, “No word can be found in the Constitution which gives Congress a greater power over the slave property or which entitles property of that kind to less protection than property of any other description.” Roger Taney is saying that the government has no power over slavery. Since the north and south have highly controversial veiws on slaery, this greatly effected the separation of the north and south. This conflict increased with the new territories that were added to America in 1845.
Americans believed in manifest destiny and wanted all land in North America, but little did they