Are the teachings of Jesus Christ actually credible and reliable? Was Christ’s resurrection different from any other mans’? Is Christ merely a legend? In the essay, author, C.S Lewis seeks to persuade readers with counter claims against Christian beliefs. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Lewis was raised in the Anglican Church. However, during his teenage years, he became a professed atheist. Later in his life, he returned to Christianity and became famous for detailing his spiritual journey (Epperson, Gray, Hall, 45). In the article, “What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ” C.S. Lewis shares his personal beliefs about Christianity and provides valuable persuasions to refute certain non-Christian beliefs.
The basis of C.S Lewis argument is that readers must accept or reject the story of what God intends to make of us. He believes that, “there is no question of what we can make of Him, it is entirely a question of what He intends to make of us” …show more content…
The first claim is that people believe in Christian morals, but do not believe in the Christian God. Lewis on the other hand, claims that he is entirely in favor of the moral teachings of Christianity (Lewis 47). Additionally, he believes in the “definite moral teaching” of Christianity versus “no parallel in other religions” (Lewis 46). The second claim non-Christian people make is that the Gospels are merely a legend. Lewis on the other hand, claims that he is perfectly convinced that whatever else the Gospels are they are not legends. The third claim Non-Christian’s make is that the resurrection is merely a human surviving death. Lewis on the other hand, claims that “Christ defeated death”, and this is not a case of simply being able to survive death, but instead conquer and overcome it (Lewis 47). It is important for C.S Lewis to know his purpose because it drives the direction of his