Description Of Group Analysis

Great Essays
Description of Group
When an examination was done at a Christian denominational church in a Sunday school class, there were many particular findings. In this group members meet every Sunday morning for an hour and a half and are presented with a structured lesson. This gathering consists of roughly fifteen participants but attendance occasionally varies. This is largely due to the fact that anyone is welcome to join or leave the discussion at any time. The group contains a mixture of dissimilar characters who bring and share separate viewpoints. There are six members within this group that are considered the core of class. These six individuals attend most regularly and partake in the teachings most often. These major members include: Casey, Christine, Whitney, Garret, Jacob, and myself. Casey, thirty, leads and provides the material within this group, and the remaining that are listed are the vital attendees. Christine is twenty-eight, and the wife of Casey, Whitney and Garret are both twenty-one and newly married, Jacob is twenty-three and the head pastor’s son, and I, myself is nineteen. Chapter 1 Psychoeducational Group Groups provide an array of different positive qualities.
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Among the types of groups offered are task groups, psychoeducational groups, counseling groups, and psychotherapy groups (Corey 7-11). A psychoeducational group can be best described as a gathering of well-functioning individuals who come together with a desire to gain useful information that can be applied to improve a particular area of living (Corey 8). The Sunday school class that was mentioned best fits the criteria of a psychoeducational group. This is because those who attend are exposed to fundamental information that is based on Christian principles in the hopes to better one’s spiritual life. For example, Casey began teaching the group about the importance of abstaining one’s self from “worldly” pleasures. Some examples given included: drunkenness, lust, unwholesome talk, and envy. Many topics were then discussed and just as many viewpoints were given. The reality of each topic was covered from a biblical stance, and Casey was able to provide the information needed to guide those down the right path according to their religious beliefs. Culture Many refer to the term culture as a word only used for those of the same ethnic or racial heritage. Although this is partially true, culture can also be defined as the “values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people” (Corey 12). This term additionally refers to those who share the same age, sex, religion, financial status, etc. The primary members who are actively involved in the Sunday school class are all part of a same culture. This is because all six of us share the same religious orientation. This religion influences the lifestyle all of us live out and unity is created because of this. It is rare to see everyone agree on all opinions and beliefs that are shared within the group. Although it is unusual to see each core member coincide on every stance, we still all concur on the major and most important concepts of the Christian faith. Chapter 4 Technical and Theoretical Integration There are two main perspectives used to achieve union within a group. …show more content…
Two of the most frequently used tools include the practice of technical and theoretical integration. An integrative approach can be described as an act of bringing together small components into a single system that function as one. The technical integration focuses more on the use of techniques drawn from many approaches (Corey 100). Theoretical integration emphasizes the importance of using limited theories. The belief behind this approach is that deeper possibilities are offered by restricting one’s practice to a single theory (Corey 100). The use and combination of both approaches is considered to be the most efficient in groups. There are various techniques, theories, and resources used by Casey when presenting to the Sunday school group. The teaching style used by Casey best fits the standards of technical integration. For instance, the use of group discussions, rhetorical questions, self-examinations, here-and-now interactions, feedback, homework, and the observation of specific thoughts and feelings are all methods used to better suit the innumerable needs of those who attend. In addition, Casey likewise teaches from several different materials of the Christian doctrine. Some of these include but are not limited to: multiple historical books, numerous sound

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