132). Sometimes in group therapy, it is important to consider the experiences each member is dealing with, yet it is also pivotal to the progress of the group to consider how other members are reacting both verbally and nonverbally to one another. Before reading this novel, I was unsure of what content versus process entailed. I associated process with the procedures of the meeting rather than the reactions of the members. Through reading about the group’s progress from the eyes of Julius, the facilitator, I was finally able to grasp the distinction between content and process. Without considering both the process and content of the group, facilitators may miss important details that can help move the group forward in their growth as clients. For this reason, it is important that I recognize the role both play in the progression and success of group therapy so that I may be better able to serve my …show more content…
Bringing a client’s issues into the present moment allows for the issues to be explored firsthand (Yalom, 2005). This is an important concept that will be useful for me to implement when providing group therapy in the future. Although the current issues faced by clients may have developed in the past, it is important that I pay attention to the role these issues play in the current lives of my