The pigs decided by themselves with no other input from the other that they, because of their superior knowledge, would become the leaders and watched over while the other animals worked. Assuming their positions as leaders, the pigs ordered that all the apples and milk were to be given to them, and to only be used by the pigs. When the other animals felt this was unfair, the pigs insisted that “Milk and apples contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig”(pg 23). And insisted that if the pigs were to fail in their duty of being leaders then “Jones would come back!”(pg 23). The pigs used manipulation to get their way. Since most of the animals weren’t very smart, and really had no reason not to listen to the pigs, the pigs simply told them exactly what they needed to hear. The animals couldn’t understand that much so they always believed the
The pigs decided by themselves with no other input from the other that they, because of their superior knowledge, would become the leaders and watched over while the other animals worked. Assuming their positions as leaders, the pigs ordered that all the apples and milk were to be given to them, and to only be used by the pigs. When the other animals felt this was unfair, the pigs insisted that “Milk and apples contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig”(pg 23). And insisted that if the pigs were to fail in their duty of being leaders then “Jones would come back!”(pg 23). The pigs used manipulation to get their way. Since most of the animals weren’t very smart, and really had no reason not to listen to the pigs, the pigs simply told them exactly what they needed to hear. The animals couldn’t understand that much so they always believed the