Social Forces In Animal Farm, By George Orwell

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Social forces are powerful in aiding readers to understand the author’s literary choices as they piece together an impeccable composition of literature. In the novella, “Animal Farm” authored by George Orwell, it depicts a brilliant satire on the oppressing economic and social conditions of the Russian Revolution through the form of an allegory. Literature reveals the construction of a flawed economic system, political corruption, and the impact of harsh social conditions. These social forces inspire the author’s work and the audience’s reaction.
Firstly, an economic system is developed from those who possess and maintain power. Various economic ideologies are presented which reflects the group’s values. Old Major, is a highly regarded leader
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Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings is a friend” (Orwell, 6). According to the Marxist theory, Karl Marx believed that the proletariat, known as the working class will eventually notice the oppression exerted upon them, as there will be a gap evident within the economic structure and a revolution will be born. Old Major’s views are a reflection of the hatred he presents against Mr. Jones, the bourgeoisie. The animals have been awakened, as they have a strong desire to become rich and free, producing for themselves rather than for others. Orwell displays this economic system in the novella as communism where social class is abolished. The common goal is to have a shared ownership of production, rather than division amongst society. However, as the text progresses, a shift in the economic system is seen. New ideologies arise when the urge to be driven by the means of production is desired. Napoleon, is an emerging leader of Animal Farm after Snowball’s position is overthrown, and had stated the idea of the windmill was opposed as “simply as a manoeuvre to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence” (Orwell, 39). The windmill is a representation of …show more content…
Politics allow individuals to conform to the expectations which are presented by those in a higher political position. Through the progression of the text, the list of commandments alter, although reflect “an unalterable law by which all the animals on Animal Farm must live for ever after” (Orwell, 15). These political stances, help Orwell to explain to his readers the oppression being brought upon societal members. The political ideologies make up the superstructure. The superstructure grows out the base which reflects the interest of the ruling class. A representation of communism is revealed as the commandments reflect that the animals action must not resemble human nature, and equality should be the foundation of animalism. MORE ANALYSIS-TEXT TO WORLD. Although, the political ideologies that are presented are not fulfilled, causing an imbalance in the structure of Animal Farm. The ruling class violates the set of obligations set forth, causing manipulation of societal members. These actions are justified by stating “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” (Orwell, 90) . This demonstrates the pigs’ systematic abuse of logic and language to control the proletariat. The core belief on Animal Farm is corrupted, as Old Major, the father of this rebellion believed in the inclusion of all in voting and decision-making, so that

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