Welfare System Research Paper

Superior Essays
There is probably not one person, that doesn’t know a person in the Welfare System or getting benefits. Let’s be honest. That cousin that seems to be in search of a job but is always dressed to the t and doesn’t meet a beat when it comes to hair and nails. He son, at the same time is still in need of the next box of pampers and is running around in just a t-shirt. Some are closed mouthed about the facts of what we know and see. Welfare is very controversial subject. For some it’s a permanent life style and temporary side step during a time of hardship for others. Welfare is used by all races and has been around for centuries and still active right to this day. The controversy is this: A lot of people dislike the thought of welfare as a whole …show more content…
To my understanding, welfare is to help and support individuals and families in need of support. I believe welfare should only be used for just a short period of time, so people won’t abuse their rights to have the privilege of assistance. I have witnessed people abuse their gift in the welfare system. Gift, is right because it’s received, abused and unappreciated. A lot of young women that I know have more kids just to receive the welfare funds. When the funds arrive what they use them for is utterly ridiculous. I’ve seen hair purchased, alcohol and tobacco, along with clothing for not only themselves but for the fathers of their children. Fathers are even reported as missing in order for them to qualify for benefits when they could be sharing an apartment or in many ways still in a relationship.. People abuse their rights on welfare by allowing people to reside in the same household and they all have their own individual welfare cases. A lot of people sell their food stamps TANF (temporary assistance for needy families) and their WIC (women infant children) and make money off the government. It’s a lot of things that people do with their welfare. A more serious offense is selling their food stamps in exchange for money and or drugs. How can we stop or intervene in this abuse when younger and younger observe the process and simply jump on

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