Welfare Reform Research Paper

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In the United States of America, unlike in some other countries, workers pay income taxes to the Federal Government. The Federal Government then allocates some of that money to programs that support the lower income earners in the form of Welfare payments. Contrary to popular belief, receiving public benefits is not a right but a privilege. Individuals who pay taxes and support Welfare programs deserve to know their hard earned money is used to support people who want to become productive members of society. Generally, taxpayers do not want to support welfare recipients who may be drug users or abusers. In order to achieve this goal, I would utilize the Legislative Branch to change the Welfare eligibility requirements in each state by making it mandatory for all Welfare recipients to pass drug tests semi-annually in order to obtain and continue to receive benefits. Each state determines the …show more content…
Within the Federal Government, the Legislative Branch has sole power to draft a bill in hopes of becoming a law. The Executive Branch, without influence from any other branches, has the ability to sign or veto the proposed bill. If the bill becomes a law, the citizens then have the right to challenge the law if they believe it to be unconstitutional. If the bill gets challenged, the Judicial Branch reviews the law to determine its constitutionality. The Welfare Program is complex in nature and understanding the roles of the government allows knowledge in the steps it takes to change a law (Taft 354). In relation to my proposed change, the states have the power to determine Welfare benefits, but funds are collected and distributed through the Federal

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