Was Hitler A Cause Of The Holocaust?

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Germany prior to 1933 was in financial despair because of their embarrassing loss in the First World War. Then Hitler came to power with the Nazi party and skyrocketed Germany out of financial problems, while gaining thousands of followers. Hitler became the supreme chancellor of Germany in 1933, with the Nazi party from going to barely known to being a majority of the country. Hitler was a natural leader and talked the nation into thinking about the perfect race and that the Jews were the reasons for every problem. Hitler wanted to expand Germany so in 1939 he started World War II with the invasion of Poland. By the end of 1941 Hitler and the Nazi party had controlled most of Europe and Africa. But the entering of the United States put Germany back on defense. Then the reign of Hitler and the Nazi party came to an …show more content…
In today's world it's just known that Hitler died at the end of World War II and his body was burned by the Soviets. One of the reasons that people have believed that he committed suicide was that he said that he didn't want to fall into the hands of the enemy. But in the last decade the FBI released a series of top secret documents that showed they were searching for Hitler up until the 21st century.the question is why would the FBI be searching for Hitler if they believed that he was dead. The truth of the matter the FBI didn't they knew that the Russians never found his actual body and burned the murdered doubles to hide that Hitler escaped Germany in 1945. In one of the documents from the FBI it writes about knowing about a submarine going to Argentina and dropping off high level Nazi’s ( 2015, Para. 6). The government lied to us about Hitler being committing suicide and that they also knew that he was dead because if the FBI thought that it would be pointless for them to be searching for Hitler up to 50 years after World War

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