Looking at the second site I have below, there are many other things we come in contact with or consume that are toxic; the water we drink, there are purifiers that make claim to removing hundreds of harmful chemicals from drinking water. What about the ones they can't or better yet people who don't use purifiers? We have intentional ways of putting toxins in our bodies, smoking cigarettes or using e-cigarettes. The list goes on and on. THe interesting part of this article is, are patients being told about the ingrdient or not? For the patient who knows about it are they that trusting to continue taking
Looking at the second site I have below, there are many other things we come in contact with or consume that are toxic; the water we drink, there are purifiers that make claim to removing hundreds of harmful chemicals from drinking water. What about the ones they can't or better yet people who don't use purifiers? We have intentional ways of putting toxins in our bodies, smoking cigarettes or using e-cigarettes. The list goes on and on. THe interesting part of this article is, are patients being told about the ingrdient or not? For the patient who knows about it are they that trusting to continue taking