The Wampanoag’s leaders understood, “Well then we are glad you landed here! This island is big enough for all of our people,” said the Wampanoag’s leader. November 11, 1621 was when the pilgrims landed on the Wampanoag’s land in Plymouth and they didn’t know how much trouble that would cause them.
The first couple weeks the Wampanoags shared and helped the pilgrims, making houses to feeding them. They all shared traditions and new ways with each other, however there seemed to be a …show more content…
They called it “The Autumn Harvest”. Everyone got together and ate all sorts of foods like fruits, veggies, duck, deer, stews, beans and different types of bread. All the women cooked and the children would help while the men would hunt for what was needed or wait for the food. During the time when everyone was eating the children played games like pin games, blind man’s bluff, hide-and-seek and leap frog. The air smelt of food and woods. All you could hear was the wind and the sound of voices and laughter from the children. Everyone was getting along and enjoying the time. There was roughly about 90 Wampanoag’s and roughly 53 pilgrims who attended the 3-day long