War Of 1812 DBQ Essay

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Prior to the War of 1812, Britain had not been seriously defeated in battle except by the American colonies. These free American colonies, now states, dared to conduct trade in the world as if they were an actual nation. This stung British pride. Not only did they have to deal with the fact that they got beat by a much smaller, much less trained America, they now had to see this nation prospering, conducting trade, and establishing itself. Unable to find validation or funds to try and conquer America again, the British used their dominant position on the high seas to intimidate America. They would stop American vessels and force the men to join the Royal Navy. In some extreme cases the British ships would even draw up to a port city and threaten …show more content…
Britain probably blamed the Revolution as luck, so they continued to try and assert their dominance. One way they did this was through the forts they still maintained in the Northwest Territory. Seeing Britain’s open aggression, the French and the Barbary pirates followed suit and made attacks of their own. America faced being trampled shortly after having risen. The war would prove that America didn't care how daunting the enemy; Americans would not be taken advantage of.

The only way to prove America wasn't going to allow British aggression was to declare war. Britain was stopping our ships on the high seas, kidnapping our citizens, and threatening to shell the coast. The French did their own pirating, and the Barbary pirates followed suit, taking the lead from Great Britain. By taking up arms, Americans proved they would not be downtrodden again. Defeating the British, America showed that since she doesn't allow tyranny from within, tyranny from without would not be tolerated. Words and treaties were not enough; the British wanted a war and that is what America gave

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