Nationalism After The War Of 1812 Essay

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United States Nationalism after the War of 1812
The war of 1812 was primarily fought between the United States and Great Britain. The
Outcome of the war was a draw, but even still after War of 1812 the United States ' nationalism grew. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines nationalism as "a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries". Though the United States had a sense of nationalism before the war, it still grew largely after the war due to more than just the outcome.
The United States ' nationalism grew in part to some economic changes and advances.
Possibly the most important economic advancement was the creation of a nationalized
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Another economic advancement that helped nationalism grow was the creation of a second national bank. After the War of 1812, the government realized that they need something that they can take funds from. This realization lead to the creation of a second national bank ("War of 1812 and the Rise of Nationalism, The"). The second bank made the nation united under one bank, this meant that all money the government needed they could draw from the bank instead of forcing them to borrow from other nations, or increasing taxes on citizens too much ("Nationalism and Sectionalism"). One other advancement was the creation of the Erie Canal. The Erie Canal is a canal that, when finished, connected all of the Great Lakes. The creation of this canal was very important for trade. Now, instead of having to travel on land, shipments from Chicago to New York City could be delivered over water, this Shortened shipping time from an average of twenty days down to an average of six days. This advancement saved a lot of industries a lot of time, and also a lot of money. Before the creation of the Erie Canal, one ton of grain costed one hundred dollars to be shipped, after the Erie Canal

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