Everything was going well for Americans at this time. The economy was expanding, there was westward expansion, and new states were being created. Nationalism was being promoted and the spirits of all Americans were rising. When the election rolled around, many Americans had assumed that it would go to a person from Virginia. Most of the presidents had been from Virginia, with each one being succeeded by their secretary of state. Unsurprisingly, James Monroe beat his opponent Rufus king with 184 electoral votes, while Rufus only finished with 34. Not only that, Monroe managed to become president with little trouble. The Federalist party didn’t offer up any opposition and with the war of 1812 over, the country faced no national threats. When making his rounds across the state, he was met with widespread enthusiasm and content. This “era of good feelings” was now characterized by widespread unity and agreement with Americans. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long as America was hit with a number of problems during Monroe’s presidency. The country was hit with a number of economic problems with rising prices among American producers. During this time, there was abnormal foreign demand for
Everything was going well for Americans at this time. The economy was expanding, there was westward expansion, and new states were being created. Nationalism was being promoted and the spirits of all Americans were rising. When the election rolled around, many Americans had assumed that it would go to a person from Virginia. Most of the presidents had been from Virginia, with each one being succeeded by their secretary of state. Unsurprisingly, James Monroe beat his opponent Rufus king with 184 electoral votes, while Rufus only finished with 34. Not only that, Monroe managed to become president with little trouble. The Federalist party didn’t offer up any opposition and with the war of 1812 over, the country faced no national threats. When making his rounds across the state, he was met with widespread enthusiasm and content. This “era of good feelings” was now characterized by widespread unity and agreement with Americans. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long as America was hit with a number of problems during Monroe’s presidency. The country was hit with a number of economic problems with rising prices among American producers. During this time, there was abnormal foreign demand for