Virginia Company Of London Essay

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The Virginia Company of London is the cornerstone to the English settlements of North America. Patriotism, monetary gain, and hopes for a new future are the foundation of ideology that all middle-class citizens aspired for while weighing the options of building a new English settlement. The arches of business fueled the dream for an empire looking for more power. These three aspects create the aspiring hope for the undeveloped term “The American Dream” 300 years before the word be unveiled. The Virginia Company endured hopeful upbringings, stagnant progression, and powerful legislation to shape the future generations of the colonies.

King James I of England wanted a similar type of power and gains that the East India Company
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Many of the unemployed workers were unable to afford that hefty price so they began to sign up for indentured servitude. African slaves from the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Wolof, Yoruba, Hausa Ibo, and Bantu began to make their way from Africa to help build up the settlements of North America for the Virginia Company of London and The United Kingdom. In 1619, Dutch traders would exchange the Africans for foods and other supplies. The ideas of racially bias slavery would not come around until the 1680’s but the earliest forms of classism were soon formed between the wealthy landowners, the middle class workers, indentured servants, and slaves in North America. The issues that would spawn from these classist ideologies would haunt the all individuals for the next upcoming …show more content…
The openness to venture to Virginia seemed a distant memory once Opechancanough replaced Powhatan and Massacre of 1622 took place. Financial troubles and the Massacre of 1622 lead King James I to send investigators to the front steps of the Virginia Company of London. After further review of the company King James I revoked the charter in place and by 1624 the settlements would soon become a royal colony. Once the rule of the Virginia Company was obsolete the men and women of the newly proclaimed colonies would have to answer to the monarchs hand picked counsel. This was both a sigh of relief and cause for concern for many of the colonists at the

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