Richard Hakluyt's Inducements Analysis

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Richard Hakluyt the elder was an Elizabethan lawyer and a major proponent of English colonization of America in the 1570s. He wrote the “Inducements to the Liking of the Voyage Intended towards Virginia in 40. and 42. Degrees” in 1585 to justify and stimulate the colonization of Virginia. Hakluyt’s “Inducements” provides an insight into early British perception of North America long before the first English colony in Jamestown was even established. In this treatise, Hakluyt delineates the religious, political, and--most considerably--the economic benefits of colonization.
“Inducements” can be divided into three parts. The first part is Hakluyt’s list of thirty-one reasons for endorsing the expansion of English settlements in the Atlantic.
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Although he listed religion and politics as the first three inducements for establishing settlements, achieving these goals however, seem to be contingent on the economic success of colonization first. Looking at the list of the “Sorts of men which are to be passed in this voyage,” none of the type of men listed had an occupation as a clergy or some sort of preacher. If converting the natives to Christianity was really the primary purpose of establishing settlements in New England, then a lot more effort to do so should be reflected in this tract. That means a lot more people dedicated to spreading Christianity should be invited to come. The main thing Hakluyt seemed to want from the Indians was their cooperation in English commerce. Hakluyt believes that a peaceful relationship with Indians will help them maintain their settlements: “without crueltie and tyrannie best answereth the profession of a Christian...maketh our seating most void of blood, most profitable in trade if merchandise, most firme and stable and least subject to remoove by practise of enemies.” (40) He claims that displaying exemplary Christian behavior, is the best way to plant Christianity. Here, Hakluyt prioritizes the wellbeing of the settlements over Indian conversion to Christianity. In sum, the Indians would be of more use as trading partners and laborers than enemies set on taking down their …show more content…
His description of the land where the settlers are bound seemed to be particularly designed for trade and commerce. The weather is like that of Spain where olives and grapes can be cultivated, the land is fertile for planting sugar, the area is filled with wild beasts with their hooves and skins, the mines are full of metals, and the are rivers full of fish. (35-38) This description is a form of propaganda because it gives the sense that this place was created for the purpose of extraction and exploitation. Since the land is already so plentiful, the implication is that it is not really about a place where the British comes to fill in the emptiness of civilization, but rather a place where there is much to take away and put into use. With that being said, it is the ideal place for England’s--as Hakluyt refers to them--”waste people” because they believe this is a place where there are plenty of resources for them to use and plenty more to share with the rest of the world. In doing so, Hakluyt’s expectation is that with England’s economic burdens gone and the colonies being productive, the trade systems and political power of other European empires will be replaced by

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