This practice is rude and degrading to those subjected to experience it. However, it happens everyday in America as a means of stopping crime. Law enforcement uses this practice when they pull over or stop blacks to question them. As seen before, this can sometimes result in an unarmed African American being killed by a police officer. Racial profiling is also frequently used in airports when they pull over arabs in order to prevent terrorism. An arabian author, Alaa Al Aswany, wrote an article about what it is like to travel while being arab. In the article Aswany talks about how he can rarely get through an airport without being inspected by an official to see if he is a terrorist. He ends the article by stating how in order to make this world a better place, people need to understand that all human beings have feelings. Everyone needs to put their prejudices aside and treat each other with …show more content…
Community policing is where a city is split up into regions and each region is assigned different police officers. These officers are permanently stationed in their regions giving them the opportunity to forge strong bonds with the community and work with other citizens to help prevent crime. Officers will be known personally by those who live and work in their neighborhood creating closer ties with police and citizen. Community policing is a unique system because the job of stopping crime is not for the officers alone. Instead, neighborhood residents are given the responsibility to help police and be law enforcers themselves. A group of scholars performed an experiment on community policing in the Journal of Experimental Criminology. The study monitored many different societies before and after community oriented policing was introduced. After community policing was introduced there was a reported five to ten percent decrease in crime and citizens were forty percent more likely to approve of the job police officers were doing. Los Angeles is a major city that uses community policing. All officers in the Los Angeles Police Department are trained in community-police problem solving where they work with the community to find common problems and develop solutions in order to solve these problems. These officers regularly meet with