When I think of my values, I notice that I value curiosity over the others. I have always been a curious person. My earliest memories consist of me running around my yard showing my mom the new bug, flower, rock, ect.. that I found. I was always full of questions, some about the earth some on life. If you asked my mom what my free time consisted of as a tiny tot, she would probably talk about my affinity for documentaries, specifically nature and space. While other kids would run home to catch the latest episode of Spongebob, I was rushing home to catch the latest episode of the nature documentary that was being showcased. My love of nature and animals led me to aspiring to be a marine biologist. My area of interest has shifted a bit, but is still in the realm of biology. I now dream of majoring in zoology, and becoming a zoologist. I hope to conduct my own research on many of the problems affecting our planet and the things that …show more content…
A quote that describes his value for life is found in act four, “Life, woman, life is God's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it” (Miller). Hale was talking to Elizabeth when this said. This was his attempt at saving John Proctor’s life, by having Elizabeth convince John to confess he would not be