Banning The Catcher In The Rye

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There are numerous possibilities in which children and teenagers can become susceptible to dangers and corruption, whether that be through schooling or media at home. How does one form of education stand more justified than the other? Published in 1951, J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye became the most censored book in high schools and libraries in the United States (Baldassarro). Though many believe that teenagers can handle the adult situations in the novel, schools are still attempting the ban The Catcher in the Rye from both their libraries and curricula. According to the American Library Association, it was the 13th most challenged book from 1990-2000. The story - following 16-year old Holden Caulfield through his expulsion from school …show more content…
Because of this, banning the story will have minimal to no effect on the students it is removed from. Holden uses profane language at all times, ranging from ‘goddamn’ - which shows up 245 times throughout the story - to the f-word. It is impossible to shelter readers from the language; profanity is rampant in today’s society, so students have a greater exposure to it within their environment than through the book. With television, it is even more unlikely to be entirely protected from obscenity, as 96.7 percent of American households own a television set where profanity “has risen nearly 70 percent in the past five years,” (Foust). This statistic proves that society has become accustomed to the use of this language, and is doing less to prevent it. Parents are “urged to be cautious” (MPAA) when allowing their children to view PG-13 movies, which also exhibit profanity, including the occasional f-word. This rating does not set guidelines, so the extent of wordings will vary. Most students reading The Catcher in the Rye would have access to a PG-13 movie, exemplifying that they have already discovered this vocabulary. Though some disagree with the cursing Holden and other characters exhibit, students who read the story have alternative sources from which they have already discovered this …show more content…
Those against the censorship believe that students cannot be sheltered from the situations in the book. Additionally, students can learn moral lessons on the basis of respect and intolerance. Nevertheless, both arguments are neither correct nor incorrect, as the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, art, and expression. The U.S. Constitution states that, “congress shall make no regulation that respects and establishment of religion, or prohibits the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,” (amend. I). This amendment protects any form of art from any citizen, so the book cannot be rightfully removed, and schools cannot permanently eliminated them from their lessons. Banning the book infringes the rights given to Americans, and contradicts the First Amendment. It cannot be banned from being taught in

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