In this program, we will use the social Cognitive Theory to initiate and maintain participants’ physical activity and diet plan by mainly focusing on the internal social reinforcement. We plan to provide positive social support to our participants. In addition, we will encourage their love ones to do as such. Regarding internal social reinforcement, individuals will have to be mentally strong to avoid any temptation such as indulging in unhealthy food that may ruin their progress. Participants’ persistence, self-efficacy and self-determination will be an essential key to the success of this program. We will emphasize to participants that their success in this program will mainly depend on their determination complete their diet and fitness routine created by our dietitian/fitness trainer. It is extremely important for them to be willing and determined start and complete the program in order …show more content…
The program site will be located in the community of Potomac West, Alexandria, Virginia. Our program will start from October 2018 to September 2019. There will 3 phase in our program, the first phase is the preparation phase, the second is the implementation phase and the third is the termination phase. The preparation phase will be during the first 4 month (October 2018 to January 2019), the following 7 months (February 2019 to August 2019) will be implementation phase, and the preparation phase is in the last month (September 2019). During the preparation phase, staff member will be hire and train, and participant will be recruited. During the implementation phase, meal and workout plans will be created and utilized, monthly evaluation will be conducted. In the termination phase, participants will be connected to dietitians and fitness