Turner Plantation System

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The plantation system was an extremely barbaric institution, one that enhanced the cultural divide between whites and blacks and carved scars that could not be healed during Reconstruction. After centuries of receiving abuse and condescension from white men, blacks had a difficult time adjusting to life alongside them after the Civil War. Similarly, whites did not see African Americans as equals, despite what the law now said. In their time on plantations, white masters had exercised every form of physical and psychological abuse, making a point of their apparent superiority. They referred to blacks in demeaning tones, comparing them to animals, while forcing them to work for the benefit of whites. With conditions like these, it's not surprising …show more content…
Born free in South Carolina in 1834, Turner achieved a position as minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church just prior to the Civil War. During the war, he served as chaplain and helped recruit blacks to the Union army. After the war had ended, Turner relocated to Georgia to work for the recently established Freedmen's Bureau, but suffered racial discrimination from white members and returned to church work. Elected to the 1867 Georgia constitutional convention and later to the state legislature in 1868, Turner appeared to have a bright future in politics. However, whites won control of the Georgia legislature and proceeded to remove all black members from their roles. This sequence of events instilled Turner with a deep distrust of white men. Convinced that blacks would never achieve equal rights in America, he endorsed widespread emigration back to Africa, where they would be free of lingering prejudice. Turner's pessimism was understandable, as he had been unfairly treated throughout his time in America, just like so many of his fellow blacks. Reconstruction could never fully be achieved as long as racist attitudes were prevalent.

Radical Reconstruction ended with the Tilden vs. Hayes presidential election, which resulted in the Compromise of 1877. The Republican Hayes appeared to have lost the election; however, he could still triumph by gaining disputed electoral votes in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina. Southern Democrats agreed to award the presidency to Hayes, on the conditions that he withdraw the remaining troops from Southern states and allow the Democrats to regain control of government. The shady agreement went through and Hayes was sworn into office, forecasting poorly for Southern

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