Turner and others fled into the woods but he was then captured. He was turned into authorities and was put on trial. It was concluded he had plotted the entire attack and was charged with insurrection. Once it was realized that slaves were responsible for such action and Turner was the leader. They were sentenced to be hung in front of crowds to set an example.
While being held in jail Tuner was interviewed by Thomas R. Gray. Later the book, The Confessions of Nat Turner was published. Gray enters the mind of a black slave in the 1830’s. Within the book unfolds the secrets of Turner himself. As he tells the in depth story of his visions and how God had called on him. It is clear through his confessions that he was told by God to make an impact that would be long lasting. As Turner is chained and sat in a dirty jail cell for six weeks until he was hung he describes his vindictive plan for the bloodiest rebellion