“Turn off the Phone (and the Tension)” By Jenna Wortham is a narrative about the author’s personal experience turning off her cellphone and about individual’s opinions and facts about cell phone usage. The author, Jenna Wortham tells her experience about going to the pool with her friend where cell phone usage was prohibited. By putting away her cellphone, it allowed her to spend more time with her friend and not worry about what other people are doing and how they are spending their days. She had fun with her friend and was content about having a fun evening without worrying about others. From this experience, Wortham proves to our society today that cellphones play a large role in our lives and how they shouldn’t be so …show more content…
Anyone who is on social media develops a thrill on looking at other people’s lives, wanting to be there also. People on social media share where they are, what they are doing and who there are with which can make people want to live an “exciting life” like them. This can allow the feelings of FOMO to occur which is the fear of missing out. People who are home alone watching people going out and having fun can initiate these feelings. Instead of this, people should have pride in missing on other’s events since they are having fun in their own lives. This is called JOMO stated in the article as the joy of missing out which is when people are seeing others having fun and the time of their lives at an event that they are simply choosing to …show more content…
For example, in the article Wortham has a solution to have a “screen diet” from your device. The author presented this when she decided not to take her phone during a house party since she did not want to look at what other people were doing; she just wanted to enjoy her day. People can have a “screen diet” by leaving their phone at home when going out alone or even hiding it when they’re hanging out with their friends. People can just simply wait until they are not busy with something or someone to answer their mobile devices. If people are in class, church, the movies, with friends, family or at work they should put their phone away so they could focus on that one situation/person. This can allow people to spend more time with their friends and less time behind a device and talk to a person face-to-face instead of on a mobile device. It can allow people to develop genuine relationships with others based on doing things they like together instead of being distracted on a mobile device. Most importantly, it can allow people to enjoy the time they have with a person who is physically present, instead of talking to one who is