Transgender Case Summary

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Analyzing the Case of Gwen
Transgender is a term that describes people who have Gender Dysphoria, new term for Gender Identity Disorder (Butcher, Hooley, & Mineka, 2013; Altilio, & Otis-Green, 2011). Uniquely as the word transgender has become a descriptive definition to describe or define a population of marginalized individuals, who may potentially develop anxiety, depression, restlessness, and other symptoms as a result of their disorder. The social construct of sex and gender has become controversial as it is an interchangeable term that includes: cross dressers, trans men, trans women, bigender, and pangender.
Gwen is a 36-year transgender male, who is in the process of transitioning into a female. Through his processing, stage Gwen has sought professional counseling, to find a sense of balance with his past life as a male, and new life as a woman. As a part of his transition, Gwen deemed it necessary to establish personal goals for him, to meet as a woman, who consisted of weight loss and to quit smoking. During this time, Gwen was also experiencing emotional difficulty as he fought an ongoing battle with “Nick,” the male gender who he was born of and Gwen the women he was becoming. In the video, he expressed how unhappy he was pretending to be someone he wasn’t for most of his
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According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), Gwen’s is consistent with the diagnostic criteria of Gender Dysphoria in adolescents and adults. The classification for Gender Dysphoria according to the DSM-5 is the incompatible condition between one’s desire and or desired gender and assigned biological gender, for duration of six months and manifested by at least two of the following (APA,

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