Random sampling or large populations is regarded as providing the most representative sample, but it is expensive to carry out a survey with a large enough sample of transgender individuals to make inferences about the population. At the moment there are only 2 surveys that fit this description and both are only at the state level (United States). While there are estimations and some surveys, none can give an accurate reflection of the actual numbers of the transgender and gender nonconforming populations nor the economic/social aspect of transgender lives . That is why the Census, which must be done every 10 years, could be the solution to this problem. Even though there have been “numerous qualitative studies on transgender experiences, there is very little quantitative evidence about the social and economic lives of transgender people in the United States” (United States). The data collected from the Census includes survey questions about social and economic lives and may be used for numerous things. The thing most relevant to transgender and gender nonconforming people is the use of this data for government …show more content…
The most severe of these bills is a bill from Florida “that would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to knowingly enter a bathroom that didn’t match the sex on their driver’s license or passport” (Steinmetz). This would affect numerous students and people in general who cannot change their gender on their official documents yet. One could get a misdemeanor just for using a public restroom facility. In addition to the Florida bill, “Republican state lawmakers are backing a bill that would require students in Kentucky to use the facilities that correspond to the sex listed on their birth certificate” and if this passes this means a student could sue for $2,500 if they encounter a student whose biological gender does not correspond with the restroom facility that they are using (Steinmetz). This is yet another bill that could fine a person, specifically students, for going to a restroom when students are the least likely to be able to change their gender on government