The Trail of Tears and the Wounded Knee Massacre By George Sloan In the 1830s there were about 120,000 native Americans living in Georgia Tennessee Alabama North Carolina and the Florida Islands. The tribes living in those areas were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chacto Seminole and Creek. To the southwestern US, they were known as the Civilized Natives. But in 1936, the Government would drive 15000 Creek to…
The Trail of Tears begins a short time before the Revolutionary War, roughly 1771, with the birth of a Cherokee names Ridge. Ridge, who was one-quarter Scot, and his family settled in northwest Georgia with several other mixed-blood Cherokees. This territory is where the Cherokee Nation would eventually be centered around. When Ridge reached manhood, around the age of sixteen, he became a warrior. Doublehead, a corrupt Indian chief, taught and instructed Ridge to be a warrior and then took him on raids against white settlers.…
Many native Americans were moved west near the Mississippi. Jackson and his supporters decided to move the Native Americans west, so they could obtain the good cotton farmland. Keeping this idea in mind, our U.S army forced 15,000 Cherokees to march hundreds of miles even farther west. The sorrowful event took several months, causing thousands of Cherokees passing away, mainly elder people and children. The harsh march has now been named the "Trail of tears," for obvious…
“Jackson uprooted seventy thousand Indians from their homes and drove them west of the Mississippi River. He was clearing the way for the rise of the Cotton Kingdom”(Tamaki 82). This showed how disrespected the native American’s were from the society. The native American’s had no choice to stay they would have been attacked by the American…
In the book “Trail of Tears: The Rise and fall of the Cherokee Nation” a book where more than 18,000 Indians were forced to move to Oklahoma in a march known as The Trail of Tears, John Ehle explains with details all the events that led to this happening. In the book we learn a lot from the Cherokee nation which was one of the most important tribes at that time. There are also many characters discussed in this book, like the life of major Ridge who was one of the most well known and important leaders of the Cherokee tribe and played a major role during the negotiations of the white men and Cherokees trying to fix their issues and come together on laws, culture and land. It also talks about John Russ who was also a well known Cherokee leader like major Ridge, he fought against the federal government to allow the Cherokee nation to stay in Georgia instead of moving to Oklahoma and leave everything they had built as a tribe.…
However, this subject was quite controversial because people agreed that he was looking out for the safety of the people, but some say that he never once considered the well being of the Indian People. In a letter to congress Jackson writes, “Humanity and national honor demand that every efforts should be made to avert so great a calamity.” Before Jackson wrote this he wrote about how the Indians were forced to move around a lot and about how some of the tribes were being over run anyway, so in this statement I think Jackson was trying the convey that to stop any disaster, or calamity, from happening, every effort should be made to remove the indians. In another document the Natives talk about the negatives of the Trail of Tears and one statement they make is, “But if we are compelled to leave our country, we see nothing but ruin before us.” That being said this is significant because it shows that the indians did this unwillingly and that when the decision was made about their removal no one including Jackson thought or seemed to cared about what truly lied ahead for them.…
Topic and Research Question Topic: For my historical event analysis, I have chosen to focus on The Cherokee "Trail of Tears" Research Question: How the Indian Removal Act of 1830 affected the Cherokee? Preliminary Writing Plan Introduction The historical analysis focuses on the topic is “The Cherokee Trail of Tears”; the topic is about a historical event that caused suffering and death of one of the tribes that are native in America. The Cherokee are among the Creeks, the Chickasaw, the Seminoles and the Choctaw who constituted the native tribes that assimilated and coped with the white settlers (United States Department of State, 2017).…
During 1838 and 1839 the Trail of Tears was one of the most devastating events in American history. The Trail of Tears was a forced movement of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole tribes to the west of the Mississippi river. The Indian Removal Act and the Treaty of New Echota are the major causes of the Trail of Tears, which resulted a major decrease in the Indian population due to the massive amount of deaths. The Indian Removal Act was passed by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830.…
The Trail of Tears Introduction The Trail of Tears was a 1000-2000 mile journey that five tribes had to walk in order to get to their designated land that Andrew Jackson called “Indian Territory.” The Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, were forced out of their homelands, not given any other option but to leave, or be killed trying to stay in their home where you made memories with families and friends. The trail was where thousands of people died from horrible sicknesses, starvation, and the harsh weather. The Trail of Tears, the migration of the Native Americans, is an important event in history because it created understanding of what the Native Americans had to go through, it commemorated their journey, and helps…
The Trail of Tears was a series of forced removals of Native American nations from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to a piece of land that was designated as Native Territory. In 1803 the Indian Removal Act was passed leading to the removal of the Creeks, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Seminoles, and Cherokees were relocated off their land. The trek was over 1,000 miles long and thousands of people died while being transported. Before the Indian Removal Act, the tribes were thriving in the southeastern United States. White americans saw American Indians as unfamiliar, alien people, causing them to try to “civilize” them by trying to make them as much like white americans as possible.…
The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears During the spring semester of 2016, I was given the opportunity to read a very insightful book called, The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears, by Theda Purdue and Micheal D. Green. The book covers the events leading up to, during, and directly after the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was the mass migration of Native Americans from their motherland in the eastern shores of the United States, to the territories of the southwestern United States. Throughout the early 19th Century, there were many conflicts between the government and Native Americans; although none were more racially and economically motivated than that of the state of Georgia and it’s citizens. “We believe the present plan…
Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as “the trail of tears” the train of tears was horrid. “1 out of out of 8 would die” (“Indian removal act”). Andrew Jackson was risking others lives for his own good, he was known by the native Americans as sharp knife. When Andrew Jackson was taken into account that he was president it seems that known one had a clue that Andrew Jackson could and has done many horrendously bad things in his early years of presidency he has lead these native Americans into a new non-native land and not only that, He is responsible for the many deaths along the way. Andrew Jackson has know clue and won't still to this day that many people do not respect…
The tragic incident happened during winter, about 1900 Indians were force marched across the country. A quarter of the 1900 died during the march, In the process of marching the Indians are not allowed to stop to bury the dead. The trail where the Indians marched is known as Trail of tear (Andrew). Jackson did not go along with the Supreme Court decision in the case for The Cherokees.…
The Trail of Tears was a dark turn in Native American history, which also affected Mississippi during Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Jackson’s Indian Removal Act forced out the Native Americans out of their land by the federal government and walk thousands of miles to designated territories across the Mississippi river. This was caused by white America’s urge to expand and grow cotton in the southern states. Since majority of the states was owned by the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, and Creek tribes Almost 125,000 Indians preoccupied the states of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida during the 1830s since the time of their ancestors. This issue boiled over when white settlers were infuriated by the population of Native…
Trail of Tears The trail of tears is one of the saddest and darkest chapters in American history. The trail of tears was part of the Indian removal act. Thousands of Indians against their will were forced to leave their homes and travel westward. Very few escaped this removal.…