Totalitarianism Animal Farm

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The novella, Animal Farm, satirizes the totalitarian rule of Stalinist Russia. The author, Eric Blair, known by the pseudonym George Orwell, uses a farm in which every animal and conflict is allegorical to the Soviet Union after the 1917 Revolution. Orwell portrays the working class animals as unaware of their significance, similar to the working class of the Soviet Union. After the rebellion, which represents the Russian Revolution, the animals anticipate an exponentially better life consisting of bigger rations, proper care, and a society with no social classes and equality among all animals, similar to communism. The pigs, who naturally become the leaders, create a list of commandments that sum up the ideals of Animalism, which represents communism. Because humans are enemies, the commandments explicitly limit the animals from participating in common human activities such as drinking alcohol, sleeping in a bed, or wearing clothes. More importantly, the commandments emphasize to treat all animals as equals and forbids any animal from killing another. Due to the lack of education among the farm animals, the pigs condense the commandments into "Four legs good, two legs bad." However, the totalitarianism rule that integrates itself into the government disregards the original values of Animalism. Nevertheless, the uneducated working class is unaware of this situation. Squealer, the propagandist on the farm, destroys equality by beguiling the uneducated farm animals, consequently creating an unfair environment that exclusively favors the pigs and dogs. Representing the propaganda on the farm, Squealer covers up the corrupt operations of Napoleon, who represents Stalin, and deceives the animals with his lies. Because of Squealer's cleverness and superior vocabulary, the naive animals trust him and unconsciously allow Squealer to brainwash them without questions. For instance, Squealer convinces the animals that the pigs should eat the apples and milk because the pigs are the "brain workers" who ensure prosperity for the farm, whereas the regular animals are replaceable. This simple act instills low self-esteem in the animals who do not understand their importance towards the productivity of the farm. Since the uneducated animals forgot their conditions under Mr. Jones, their former owner, Squealer cites false statistics and misleading information for the animals to believe they have larger food portions …show more content…
Boxer, an uneducated hardworking horse who is unaware of his value on the farm, works extra backbreaking hours for the welfare of the farm, but when he becomes weak, the pigs sell him to the knackers to buy whiskey. Not only does Squealer mistreat Boxer, a productive and essential member of the farm, but he also lies to the farm animals ensuring them that Boxer died peacefully in a hospital. Similarly, Clover, another uneducated horse, questions the changing of the commandments when she notices the pigs are living luxuriously by sleeping on a bed, wearing clothes, and drinking alcohol. After confronting Squealer, he responds by telling Clover that she misunderstood the commandments. Because Clover has low self-esteem, she complies without realizing that she allows the pigs to enjoy luxury while she works laboriously without complaining. By using the sheep's lack of intelligence, Squealer also brainwashes the sheep to learn different chants including "Four legs good, two legs better," which serves to distract the animals from thinking clearly and to support the ideals that minimize equality among the farm

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