To Kill A Mockingbird Racism Quotes

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In the iconic novel “To kill a mocking bird” Many different social issues are focused upon, in that list racism with African Americans is endemic throughout the novel. The novel is set in 1930’s Maycomb County, Alabama. Much has changed since the civil war in terms of racism, but in Southern America racism is still extremely prominent. Racism is shown with the neighbours, within families and even surprisingly throughout the school. “My folks said your daddy was a disgrace an' that nigger oughta hang from the water tank.”
This is a quote Cecil Jacobs said to Scout in the school yard, which clearly shows that Cecil believes his father’s words.
It is quite horrific how a child as young as Cecil Jacobs has been brainwashed into having the town’s racist mindset. It can also be taken from the quote that Atticus is ironically being branded dishonourable for doing the right thing, but the town cannot see this.
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‘Grandma says it’s bad enough he lets you all run wild, but now he’s turned out a nigger-lover we’ll never be able to walk the streets of Maycomb again. He’s ruinin’ the family, that’s what he’s doin’.
This quote was said to Scot by his own cousin Francis, who is repeating Aunt Alexandra’s words.
Racism is not only amongst Atticus’s neighbours and the people he sees around town, but now stems into even his own family. Atticus and his children are now facing conflict and racial prejudice amongst their own family.
This shows that the whole town have a strong hate for African Americans and are willing to turn on their own families because of it.
“You know what we want…Get aside from the door, Mr

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