Theme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The word racism, what does it referred to? According to google definitions, “The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”. As individuals, we see ourselves more superior than others. In "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD", one of the major themes is racism. Racism takes place, not just in that period of time, but one can see how the world hasn't changed a bit. The book takes place in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930’s and follows the lives of a father with two children, Jem and Scout. The historical setting makes the plot applicable to today’s world. Atticus, a lawyer, defends a colored man whose name is Tom Robinson …show more content…
There are people that still continue the circle of who is better and how superior they are. Probably we might think that there could be no racism were we live, or we stand at but, let us asks ourselves, if we had a job where there are white and colored people, who might you think it looks look's the best? Would you show kindness toward your race rather than the other race, or would you treat the other race than your own, with hate? These questions are just to make a self-check test to see how you view towards other races and not just colored people but to the rest of the races that exists in the …show more content…
That being said, we have to live together and not to think that we, or I, can be superior to anyone because in the end we will end up part of that hate circle. As an example, Hitler. In the book, Scout asks that if it is okay to hate Hitler, but his father with a firm voice told her it is not okay to hate Hitler. He did wrong to blame them for loose so much money and calling them as monsters, or creatures that don't have any human nature in them. Even though he did that entire stuff people were upset, but what about home? What can we say to those people that are being accused the same just alike Hitler did to the Jews? Is it fair to them, should we feel like it didn't even happen? Shouldn’t the ones, instead of being mad at Hitler, be mad at ourselves for treating the other races with discrimination or accuse them of doing something that they didn't even do? What is the lesson in this essay, we can continue to prevail that are so much more than anyone else, but in reality, how will others look at you? Probably they share the same idea as you, but if you were the only one, would you think as that? As I mentioned before in this essay it's what people follow of their ideas,

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