The drug Thalidomide was produced during the 1950s through the 1960s. It was used for women who was experiencing morning sickness during their pregnancy (Mayo Clinic). Chemie Grunenthal, one of the head production companies of the drug, produced Thalidomide as a nontoxic medication. The company labeled Thalidomide with no poisonous potential at that time. Before shipping this drug the company had not proceeded to run through lab test to check the harmful chemical (The Multinational monitor). With every country wanting this drug they shipped crate fulls to the following: 11 European …show more content…
They wanted to see if they would produce the same human disorders. They gave a pregnant rat and bunny 2 an half pills of Thalidomide and watched for the results. What they discover was nothing, both rats and bunnies were fine. They found no problems with the fetus, but what they could conclude when Thalidomide could hurt their newborn baby (ebscohost). The studies gave them that the drug effects would happen between days 35 through 50. During this time and day the women would not even know if they were pregnant (FFDN). With all of the conclusions of the lab test, the company now had to warn the world of this dangerous drug. In the 1950s drug companies did not have to submit testing results to the appropriate government agencies. The drug manufacturers were not required to reveal some of the results of the tests, which were conducted on “rodents” (Encyclopedia of Drugs and Addictive Substances, Volume