Definitive Questions for Learning Theories Behaviorist Theory Cognitive Theory Constructivist Theory Social Learning Theory Connectivism Adult Learning
How does learning occur? Learning occur by frequency of observable performance.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) A mental activity. Thinking, problem solving, concept formation, information processing. (Ertmer & Newby,1993) Created by meaning from experience and interactions.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) Social process. Learning occur when each learner is engaged in social activities. Knowledge is culturally and socially constructed (Kim, 2001) People learn from one another, using modeling, observation, and imitation. (Bandura) Networking, social structure, recognize and patterns.
(Davis, …show more content…
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) Learners learn through social interactions with more knowledgeable learners. Collaboration with other learners through community of practice. (Kim, 2001) Diversity of opinions.
(Davis, Edmunds & Bateman, 2008). Internal/external motivation.
(Foley, 2004)
What is the role of memory? The use of periodic practice and reviews.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) Information is stored in memory in an organized, meaningful manner.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) “Assembling” prior knowledge from diverse source appropriate to the problem at hand. Prior knowledge remixed to current content.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) As this theory is described as a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive theories, memory is a key in retaining and encoding information. Information is based on observation (Bandura) It is used to identify adaptive patterns; it is descriptive of the present state in network
(Davis, Edmunds & Bateman, 2008). Personal reflection
(Foley, 2004)
How does transfer occur? Transfer is a result of generalization. Situations in similar features allow behavior to transfer.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993) When knowledge is apply to different contexts.
(Ertmer & Newby,1993)