Theme Of Powerless In The Crucible

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How the Powerless Became Powerful in the Play “The crucible”
Over the years witchcraft has been experienced in different parts of the world. Although, it is usually seen as a thing of the past, in “The Crucible” drama of 1953 , Arthur Miller demonstrates how witchcraft still exist in the current society and the position people take concerning those involved in it. The play dates back to 1692 in a place known as Salem part of Massachusetts where different characters are revealed and each one of them plays a vital role in this hilarious play. Among the themes elaborated in the play is the theme of power which Miller portrays through several characters in the play. There are those who started powerless and ended up very powerful while on the other hand, some started powerful and at last they seem toothless. This play clearly shows how events led to the gain of power to the powerless in Salem, how people in the society are manipulated by the powerful and the outcome of general abuse of power to the people. In regard to this, every person desires to have power mostly for material gain, vengeful reasons and recognition in the community.
Salem village is a popular village in Massachusetts where God is declared as the most powerful because no single person can question his source of power not even the witch. The minister is respected and has power and authority over different issues in the society to make the people feel safe. The play states “The devil can never overcome a

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