Theme Of Power And Corruption In The Crucible

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The words, witch hunts, are usually looked at as a joke or stupidity on the side of the humans. One of the most well-known witch hunts in history was in Massachusetts Salem. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, he discusses the seriousness and unjustness of the crucible. Major power often results in the abuse of power and corruption, is one of the things he said provoked the witch hunts in Salem. In act two, John Proctor was furious because Abigail accused his wife, Elizabeth, of witchcraft. John Proctor ripped the Elizabeth 's arrest warrant, and after Hale tells him that they will prove Elizabeth innocent, he said, “If she is innocent! Why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigale? Is the accuser always holy now?” (Miller 204) In …show more content…
Near the end of act 2, Abigail is accusing Tituba of “witching” Betty. Tituba, being innocent tries to tell the truth saying, “Mister Reverend, I never-”(Miller 188) but is interrupted when Parris threatens to whip her if she doesn 't tell the truth. Additionally, in the middle of act three, John Proctor is talking, for terrified Mary, saying, “Aye, sir. She swears now that she never saw Satan; nor any spirit, vague or clear, that Satan may have sent to hurt her. And she declares her friends are lying now” (Miller 216). After John says the truth, Mary is scared into accusing John of being the devil and he is later hung. Finally, at the end of act four John rips the confession he signed saying that he is a warlock/wizard and cries after he is told that he cannot rip a legal document saving himself from death, “I can. And there’s your first marvel, that I can. You have made your magic now, for now I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor. Not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs. Give them no tear! Tears pleasure them! Show honor now, show a stony heart and sink them with it!” (Miller 240) With this final act of truth, John proclaims his innocence and said that he will die for the truth, it is obvious that he is …show more content…
Reading this play made me think of a time when I told the truth about something I found very important but no one believed me. It was five or six years ago in mid-November, my parents were cleaning out a section of the basement. In the basement there was really old paint; mom carried the paint outside and took off the lip for it to dry. My sisters and I went outside to play for recess and I played with the paint. All I did was put a stick in it and move it in a circle, feeling like I could be some great artist with a paintbrush and this dark brown ugly paint. The next day, I walked to the dentist by myself, I had just finished serving early mass. When I got there, mom immediately pulled me outside and yelled at me, and then grounded me for three months from the t.v., computer, friends, listening to dad read Harry Potter to Charlene, and I had to wash the dishes every night until my sentence ended. I started crying, and then mom told me what I did that deserved such a groundation. I had painted on the garage wall. She “knew” it was me because whoever did it painted hearts and stars all over the side. When I was little, I would draw hearts and stars on anything I was near or on anything I did. No matter how many times I told her I didn’t do it, she wouldn’t listen and dad added on to it saying that I had to try and scrub the frozen paint off the garage. I served my

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