Theme Of Loyalty In Romeo And Juliet

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Register to read the introduction… Mercutio knows if Tybalt duels with Romeo, Romeo will most likely lose. So Mercutio protects him by insulting Tybalt by saying “O calm, dishonourable, vile submission” then goes on to say, with a now drawn sword “Tybalt you rat catcher, will you walk” which is a question of a duel. Mercutio doing this is a great act of loyalty toward Romeo. Mercutio’s death by Tybalt adds to his heroic services to Romeo. Romeo shows his act of loyalty back to Mercutio by getting revenge on his soul, he does this by beating Tybalt and overall killing him. The line “for Mercutio’s soul” tells the audience that he did do it to avenge his soul.
The final example of loyalty portrayed in the text is by the nurse to Juliet. The nurse helps Juliet by giving her wise and loyal advice as well as helping her in her plan to marry Romeo by being their messenger. Juliet’s appreciation to the nurses acts are shown in the line “hie to high fortune, honest nurse!” this line suggests what Juliet thinks of her nurse, a honest and loyal women. The nurse shows her devotion to Juliet when she allows her to marry Romeo , the mother nor father would have allowed this, but the nurses dedication to Juliet makes her go through with it.
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An example of betrayal in Romeo and Juliet is Juliet to her father as well as her father betraying Juliet. Juliet betrays her father by disobeying his orders to marry the county Paris, her betrayal is portrayed in the lines “Proud can I never be of what I hate” this tells the audience that Juliet is not grateful of what the ‘man of the house’ has given her. Mr Capulet retaliates by insulting her and calling her baggage with the line “hang thee young baggage, disobedient wretch” Mr Capulet thinks of Juliet as a piece of property he can sell this is told by the line “an you be

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