Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby is told from the point of view of Nick Carraway, a young man who had moved to New York recently, living in a house next to a mystery millionaire, Jay Gatsby in West Egg, Long Island. Mr Gatsby is known to throw large parties that anyone and everyone attends, despite never receiving any invitation. At one of Gatsby 's parties, which Nick gets an invitation to, finally meets that mysterious Jay Gatsby, who wants Nick to do something for him. Upon learning that Jay is in love with his (Nick 's) cousin, Daisy Buchanan, he agrees to Gatsby’s request to reintroduce Jay to Daisy. The former lovers upon meeting, start a forbidden …show more content…
Jay was a man who had to work for his wealth and was labelled new money by the society whereas people like Daisy, Tom and Jordan who are born into the wealth, families who have made money after many generations, are labelled as old money. Daisy who is married to Tom is more like a trophy wife in my eyes and the main goal for rich people back then was to get married and reproduce. Something that Daisy does, married tom and then having a daughter, and she doesn 't show much motherly affection to her daughter in the book. Tom who had a wife like Daisy, still had a mistress in the form of Myrtle goes to show how rich people can really be like. There are many relationships that are made based on social status, to gain a higher standing in society or for money and in many cases, the two people involved in this relationship didn 't actually love each other but marry anyway just of social reasons and they start affairs with other people like with Tom and Myrtle. The story of Daisy and Jay was that they were lovers in the past but Jay was not rich and so the two were of different social classes and when he left, Daisy had married the rich Tom and had a daughter a few years after. When Jay returned to the picture, he had gotten rich and was still in love with Daisy. Still thinking that Daisy was still in love with him and that she would leave Tom for him, so the two can live happily together like he always dreamt, tried to rekindle their relationship. Daisy while she loved Jay, she had also fallen in love with Tom when she thought that Jay was dead and this is shown in the Plaza hotel where Jay tells her that she only loved him and not Tom and to leave Tom for him but she doesn 't. First of all, any relationship created based on social reason or just for money or power is doomed to fail, even more so when the two people married don 't love each other. Jay a man