In the movie “I am Sam,” and gentlemen by the name of Sam, who has a mental capacity of a seven year old, gets a homeless woman pregnant. When she finally goes into birth she runs off …show more content…
At first we see Sam and Lucy. A bond that is unspeakable. Sam absolutely adores Lucy and does his very best to provide for her needs. He may not be able to provide materialistic things but he is able to provide love, support, and patience. Later in the movie we meet Rita who has very different parenting skills. Her son Willy comes second to her, and work comes first. The relationship displayed between her and Willy is broken and filled with anger. She is able to provide an extravagant lifestyle for him, however, she is absent in his life. So what makes Rita a fit mother and Sam not a fit …show more content…
The last option Sam had was to give up and have visitation rights. Thankfully, he did have to result to that conclusion. At the end of the film we see the foster care parents, Rita, Willy, and Sam all at Lucy’s soccer game. This final scene displays how everyone came around to support Sam and his decision to raise Lucy. It demonstrations the idea that a disability does not inhabit an individual from having the ability to raise a child and being normal to societies definition.
Social justice has been around essentially forever. We do not live in a perfect society, therefor, there will always be social injustice. However, this imbalance is maintained through social workers. Since our goals are to help, we see the problems and address them. When the situation is addressed, in the moment it may seem as one individual may win but in reality it is far more than just one individual. In fact, each imbalance that is then balanced impacts groups, families, organizations, and even society as a