The primary mission statement of the social work profession is distinguishable from any other profession. The mission statement defines the purpose of social work and uses a universal key element. The universal key element is help because from the first day of a social work course, students learn that social work is a helping profession. The purpose of social work is to provide help whenever needed. This statement describes a profession that goes beyond what is expected by trying to attack every aspect of human needs. The social work profession is the true profession of helping. There is no limit to the people social workers take care of because it is their duty to enhance individual well-being and the well-being …show more content…
One of my strongest values is my desire to serve. I believe my life’s purpose is to be some sort of service to mankind. On a professional level, social workers’ primary goal is to help serve individuals and my personal purpose is congruent with a social worker’s primary goal. Service is the main reason why I am pursuing a career in the social work profession. For two consecutive summers, I was given the opportunity to work with and mentor children ages four to eleven, whether it was tutoring them in basic math or giving them social advice. I was willing and able to help these children from diverse backgrounds with the wisdom and knowledge I have accumulated over the years. Volunteering in my community over the years have inspired the work I want to do …show more content…
The deeper I got into my concentration areas the more I started second guessing my choices. After failing to pass the praxis core to advance in the education program, I was at a cross road in my collegiate career. I had a choice to rethink my major or keep progressing down the pathway I was on. For two weeks, I had heart to heart conversations with my mentors, my professors, my advisor, and my family. Then, I made the hardest decision of my collegiate career to become a social work major.
After I switch majors and got a taste of the social work profession, it was then that I felt I made the right call. The social profession has open up my eyes to so many possibilities working with children. For two years, I felt restricted and loss because I never took the time to weight out my options like I did. Although, I have no regrets for those two years I major in education because it allows me to grow professionally and it help be build relationships with phenomenal individuals.
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