Steven Pinker: The Rise Of Modern Feminist

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Feminism dates back to 1848 when it was organized at the first Women 's conference that was held in Seneca Falls, and started from groups about the Abolition of Slavery, the Social Purity and Temperance movements. (Feminism and Women 's Studies.) The three waves of feminism has evolved from the late 1800s to the early 2000’s. The goals and objectives of feminism have been relatively the same since it originated with some accomplished and other goals similar to take its place. Modern feminism isn 't about equal rights between men and women, it 's about hating men.
Feminisms origins started in the United States and United Kingdoms in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in hopes of equal rights like property, ownership of children,
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Most feminists claim that they have been worse off since the beginning of time, but it 's hard to say that women have been worse off because they are different than men, Pinker also claims “the fact that women make less money than men cannot be itself evidence that women are worse off than men, any more than the fact that men own fewer shoes than women cannot be evidence that men are worse off than women.” Feminists say that men hold more power than men but that is not always true, even among mammals females hold more power over the males, however men do tend to hold more powerful positions. An article was published by Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers which Conducted a study showing that over the last 35 years American women have become more and more unhappy. Although, they are making as much money as men than before and were way happier while still making less money.(Why Modern Feminism Is Illogical, Unnecessary, and …show more content…
They also care more about objectification of women than in the middle east where women are under Sharia Law and can 't wear what they want or walk around without a man, if women really wanted to stop oppression they would focus on helping women in the middle east express their opinions, be able to travel without a man beside them, ability to vote, have high ranking job positions, things that feminists in America did before it turned into them complaining and not doing anything about

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