Essay On Meninism

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Recently there has been an uprising movement, specifically on social media such as twitter, known as Meninism. Meninism (the followers best know as ‘meninists’) is basically the anti-christ of feminism, an ignorant plea for a couple of laughs from the epitome of uneducated men and boys. The internet is becoming an easy access platform to generate warped, jeering ideas based on the real issues of feminism, generating rather appalling messages. Many males, and even some females are supporting this movement, by purchasing apparel that has “meninist” sayings on the, by using the hashtag “#Meninist or #YesMen, or simply by following the meninist accounts. Meninism, an atrocious mockery of feminism, is an unnecessary movement in today’s society in virtue of the fact that feminists are fighting for equality, not dominance, making light of the legitimate issues within feminism, much of the meninist comments made are made online, behind screens, and simply because the definition of meninism is used incorrectly, creating fairly outrageous mockeries of feminism.

Feminists are fighting for equality to men, a struggle women have been put through since the beginning of time. Women face inequality in almost everything they do, it is proven that women are up to 10 times more likely to experience abuse from a partner in some form of romantic relationship, women make on average only 74% that of what men make with the exact same job, and overall are not treated with the justice they deserve. The Raider Review writes, “Meninism vs. Feminism: It’s easy to mock our struggle when privilege is waiting at your feet” (Johnson,1). Many men, when confronted by someone against meninism, will exclaim “it’s a joke” or “we’re just joking around”. In the current world, there are many things that men are born with the right to do, while women cannot do the equal. As a woman it is hard to joke about something so real and apparent. For hundreds of years women have been fighting to be treated the same as men, something a man would not understand the hardship of, therefore find it to be something funny to joke about. Feminist women do all they can to fight for equality, but in many cases the words on meninists cannot be undone, because they are written on the internet, Since around 1992, the internet has been used to connect with others and shares facts, stories, and opinions with them. In more recent years the internet has created more problems, dealing with things such as cyberbullying and hate crimes relating to political views. It’s becoming easier for people to share their hatred opinions using social media and excuses such as freedom of speech. Twitter, an online social media site, is now being used as a place
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Meninism is seen as a fairly new term being used to complain about women and mock the feminist movement. Meninism is actually a work used in correlation with feminism. The Raider Review wrote, “A meninist by definition is a male who “believes] in and support[s] the feminist principles of women’s political, social, and economic equality” (Johnson, 1). Fairly speaking, this shows the meninism followers’ ignorance. For one to claim they follow a political cause, but clearly not know the real definition shows pure stupidity. A meninist is actually someone who is for the feminist cause, whereas these men are speaking down to

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