The Theme Of Dignity In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays
Throughout the story, Of Mice and Men, you definitely hear George preaching the tale of how him, Lennie, Crooks, and Candy will move on from their menial jobs to a small farm. On this land there will be animals for Lennie to take responsibility to, a place for Candy to be able to make decisions for himself and have a secure position, an area where crooks will be accepted with self-respect, and lastly, a place where George can “be somebody” by making something of himself. However, buried in each reason for one of the men to go to this nirvana, is the idea of dignity. They all demand to be respected and have a place to fit in. Moreover, this relates to Caitlyn Jenner’s speech at the ESPY Awards because she, like the optimistic men, desires to

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