How Does Of Mice And Men Have Power Over Others

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Of Mice and Men shows us three examples and three sides of human nature. Steinbeck's book shows that people often believe that they are socially higher than others. Of Mice and Men also tells us that two men had a dream to buy land. In real life, everyone has a dream of what they want to accomplish. Finally, Of Mice and Men reflects Social Darwinism in "Survival of the Fittest."

In real life, people often believe that they are socially more powerful. Consequently, treating some as lesser class. In Of Mice and Men, some characters have more power over others. For example, Curley has more power over the other men such as, Lennie, George and Candy. Curley doesn't need to have much respect for anyone because of his position on the ranch, being the son of the owner. Moreover, white people have the power over the black people on the ranch. In the barn room
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Some people will go to whatever measures necessary to accomplish their goal. For example, George was faced with the troubles that Lennie was causing. After Lennie strangled and killed Curley's wife, George realized that this was the last straw. The men on the ranch thought it would be better with Lennie dead. Lennie would've died because Curley would want revenge for killing his wife, and breaking his hand. George realized that it was time for Lennie to part the world and move on to heaven. George was very close buying the land that he wanted with the help of Candy and his money. George was so close to achieving his dream that he didn't want to run away anymore. Humans today still do whatever possible to get their way. Say if two boys get in trouble. One boy will blame the other to avoid getting into further trouble. This demonstrates Survival of the Fittest because the boy wants to get the situation in his favor so he can blame the other

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