Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men during the time that as known as the most creative time in his career. Steinbeck’s novella depicted the lives of a dwindling society of migrant workers. In the year following Of Mice and Men’s publication, the nation 's grain industry was replacing manual labor with machines. Soon, farm workers, much like George and Lennie were disappearing. “During this time he was becoming increasingly concerned about current social and economic problems in California, and he published three successive novels about farm workers…” (Bloom 52, 51, 53, 52). Writing in the Great Depression era influenced Steinbeck’s writing heavily. Of Mice and Men is ranked by some critics and one of John Steinbeck’s best works. “Though the scope of Steinbeck’s play/novelette is narrow, the implications are universal” (Bloom 23). The subject of Of Mice and Men is more provocative than his books in the past, focusing on people who were isolated from society. “Of Mice and Men went on to furnish a parable about the struggle for autonomy within the hearts of migrant workers, each struggling with both social conditions and his or her own human frailties” (Watts). Of Mice and Men, being infamous for its provocative nature, is frequently banned from school curriculums. The public 's reaction to Of Mice and Men was a mix of emotions, and the book is still talked about today for its “unique” style. Steinbeck did not intend for Of Mice and Men to gain as much popularity as it did. When asked about his novel Steinbeck professed, “‘I wrote it simply to develop a form.’” Before the publication of Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck was still perfecting his craft. “‘Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen’” joked Steinbeck when interviewed in Cosmo magazine in 1947 (McArthur 85, 17). On one occasion, if not more, Steinbeck declined Payment from
Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men during the time that as known as the most creative time in his career. Steinbeck’s novella depicted the lives of a dwindling society of migrant workers. In the year following Of Mice and Men’s publication, the nation 's grain industry was replacing manual labor with machines. Soon, farm workers, much like George and Lennie were disappearing. “During this time he was becoming increasingly concerned about current social and economic problems in California, and he published three successive novels about farm workers…” (Bloom 52, 51, 53, 52). Writing in the Great Depression era influenced Steinbeck’s writing heavily. Of Mice and Men is ranked by some critics and one of John Steinbeck’s best works. “Though the scope of Steinbeck’s play/novelette is narrow, the implications are universal” (Bloom 23). The subject of Of Mice and Men is more provocative than his books in the past, focusing on people who were isolated from society. “Of Mice and Men went on to furnish a parable about the struggle for autonomy within the hearts of migrant workers, each struggling with both social conditions and his or her own human frailties” (Watts). Of Mice and Men, being infamous for its provocative nature, is frequently banned from school curriculums. The public 's reaction to Of Mice and Men was a mix of emotions, and the book is still talked about today for its “unique” style. Steinbeck did not intend for Of Mice and Men to gain as much popularity as it did. When asked about his novel Steinbeck professed, “‘I wrote it simply to develop a form.’” Before the publication of Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck was still perfecting his craft. “‘Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen’” joked Steinbeck when interviewed in Cosmo magazine in 1947 (McArthur 85, 17). On one occasion, if not more, Steinbeck declined Payment from