Cinderella's Sister

Superior Essays
Stories of princesses, or empresses, or even athletes, sometimes involve a “rags to riches” scenario. A story like Cinderella, a poor girl who eventually married Prince Charming, or even Michael Oher, an NFL offensive linemen, who had nothing and now is paid several millions, portray this concept. This type of life is also true for Theodora, Empress of the Byzantine Empire. Theodora had a tough childhood, but ended up marrying Justinian the Great and is recognized as one of the most important women in history. Even though her story may not be quite as famous as Cinderella’s, with two evil step sisters, her role as empress has a much greater impact on history. Theodora was clever, often recognized to have a witty personality, and saved the Byzantine …show more content…
They moved near Africa, but after time he abused her and left her in the dust with nothing. She eventually met Timothy III, who taught her about Monophysitism, which is the nature of god and nature of man combining to create a new nature. This changed Theodora, and she decided to start on a new path. She then went to Antioch and met Macedonia, who happened to work for the heir of the throne, Justinian. Around 522, Theodora became a wool spinner, near the house of Justinian. Justinian noticed her beauty and intelligence and fell deeply in love with her. He desired to marry Theodora, but there were some difficulties. Of course, in most rags to riches stories, there is a problem when it comes to marriage between different classes of people. The law said that government officials could not be married to actresses. Also, Justinian’s aunt, Euphemia, disagreed with the two marrying. This aunt happened to also have been a slave before becoming Emperor Justin’s wife. This is pretty similar to an evil step mother in the Cinderella story. Still, she passed away in 525 AD, and Justinian changed the law, raising Theodora’s status and taking her as his wife. Even though Theodora already had a daughter from past experiences, Justinian welcomed them in and Theodora got her “prince charming,” or in this scenario, Emperor. In 527 AD, Justinian got the throne and ruled happily with his

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