We can learn information quickly and easily by typing the topic into the web. We can also communicate with others and find explanations for our problems. The problem is we should not forget our old roots and attempt to use them, so we can have a feel of how they solved their situations. We can open a book that interests you and read, instead of deciding to watch the movie and believing that they are the same, detail-wise. We can look up new words in dictionary, instead of opening up Google and typing words up in search bar. We can enjoy our moments with family and friends, instead of stressing over finding the perfect lighting to your next Instagram post. We should not abuse the power of the internet for us to find a shortcut to our answers. Just because the internet is there does not mean it is your best companion. Sometimes, the answers are are in between the lines and in the
We can learn information quickly and easily by typing the topic into the web. We can also communicate with others and find explanations for our problems. The problem is we should not forget our old roots and attempt to use them, so we can have a feel of how they solved their situations. We can open a book that interests you and read, instead of deciding to watch the movie and believing that they are the same, detail-wise. We can look up new words in dictionary, instead of opening up Google and typing words up in search bar. We can enjoy our moments with family and friends, instead of stressing over finding the perfect lighting to your next Instagram post. We should not abuse the power of the internet for us to find a shortcut to our answers. Just because the internet is there does not mean it is your best companion. Sometimes, the answers are are in between the lines and in the