Don’t ever leave anything behind because before you know it, when you need it, it’s gone. Treasure every moment you can with gifts you receive no matter what type of damage is made. You never know how important that thing is until its nowhere to be found when you need it most. The love you’ll get from them will blaze brighter than the sun, so give them all the love you have to give them. Life doesn’t come fairly. It comes with prices, if you think living through it is bad enough, missing one could comes worse. Don’t tamper with the element of the natural world. Paragraph 1 Setting is used to develop the idea to be careful what you do with your actions because they always come with consequences. …show more content…
The narrator was pretty jealous of Doodle because he did nothing to deserve all the attention. To make Doode feel less he told him what he should’ve been, dead. “One day [he] took him up to the barn loft and showed him his casket, telling him how [they] all had believed he would die. It was covered with a film of Paris green sprinkled to kill threats, and screech owls had built a nest inside it.” This began moving forward the idea that the narrator is trying to hurt Doodle. Yet somewhere inside he always loved his brother, he just wants him to be strong. That’s why when the narrator pushes him to hard, the narrator isn’t the one who necessarily pays the price. “The faster [he] walked, the faster he walked, so I began to run. The rain was coming…” explaining how the consequence was going to be paid after this. “[Doodle] didn’t answer, so [he] placed [his] hand on [Doodles] forehead and lifted his head. Limply, he fell backward onto the earth. He had been bleeding from the mouth, and his neck and the front of his shirt were stained a brilliant read. “Doodle! Doodle!” [he] cried…” The narrator built to much pride in himself believing he could make his brother do everything. Once he went past the point Doodle had to pay the price. He lived a better life then he would’ve. But no one ever gets what they want. Paragraph 2 Character Development is used to develop the idea to be aware of the world around you because no one knows how to treat it. Throughout the story it was showing how the narrator had mixed emotions towards what was being thrown at him. In the beginning it said the narrator wanted a brother, but he received an abnormal brother. “It was bad enough [him] having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not all there was unbearable, so [he] began to make plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow.” Showing the narrators selfish view of only caring of what his image looks like. All he sees is himself and the world around him and still