Although there is an illegal investigation on the jurors in this movie organized by Finch, there is common equivalence between jury selections from Runaway Jury to actual real-life jury selection. Defense attorneys would try to find non-compassion jurors that would not care about the howl stories from the widow, just like Finch did in Runaway Jury. This is done by a sequence of questions to each potential juror; however, that is only how far attorneys in real life will investigate jurors. Unlike Runaway Jury, attorneys do not conduct illegal, immoral, and invasive investigations in real-life jury selection. I also learned that there are still good people out here because Rohr could have paid the money but he decided to go about the decision the right way and not involve his self in those non-ethical manner that the gun manufactures were doing. I also learned that sometimes you have to play the system in your favor because the law isn’t always sympatric to the right thing. Although giving the grieving woman the reward and showing that the gun manufactures were in the wrong according to the Law they really didn’t do anything wrong, but the right thing to do is point out that they played a part in all of this. I like how the move really showed the difference between law and ethics in my opinion and also moral. Do you give a decision based on the law knowing you’re going against your own ethics and morals you were thought growing up. As a human being if I know right from wrong I shouldn’t just go with the law if I know that a situation is wrong. This was a great movie that speaks a lot of volume and shows that even the justice system is sometimes against the right decision. If you have money and power you can manipulate things in your favor, but that shouldn’t
Although there is an illegal investigation on the jurors in this movie organized by Finch, there is common equivalence between jury selections from Runaway Jury to actual real-life jury selection. Defense attorneys would try to find non-compassion jurors that would not care about the howl stories from the widow, just like Finch did in Runaway Jury. This is done by a sequence of questions to each potential juror; however, that is only how far attorneys in real life will investigate jurors. Unlike Runaway Jury, attorneys do not conduct illegal, immoral, and invasive investigations in real-life jury selection. I also learned that there are still good people out here because Rohr could have paid the money but he decided to go about the decision the right way and not involve his self in those non-ethical manner that the gun manufactures were doing. I also learned that sometimes you have to play the system in your favor because the law isn’t always sympatric to the right thing. Although giving the grieving woman the reward and showing that the gun manufactures were in the wrong according to the Law they really didn’t do anything wrong, but the right thing to do is point out that they played a part in all of this. I like how the move really showed the difference between law and ethics in my opinion and also moral. Do you give a decision based on the law knowing you’re going against your own ethics and morals you were thought growing up. As a human being if I know right from wrong I shouldn’t just go with the law if I know that a situation is wrong. This was a great movie that speaks a lot of volume and shows that even the justice system is sometimes against the right decision. If you have money and power you can manipulate things in your favor, but that shouldn’t