Whether people can control it or not everyday individuals are faced with difficulties and misfortune events that they must deal with. The method used to conduct oneself in such a situation could differ. They could cave in and continue on their unjust ways or they could react bravely and fight to overcome such difficulties. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a MockingBird Atticus Finch exhibits maybe the most effective way of dealing with adversity. When an individual is faced with adversity then they need to fight with perseverance because if they give up without trying they will never overcome the difficulty.
One of the ways people can deal with adversity is to not take the easy way out and stick to their beliefs. In To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch could have said no when they asked him to defend Tom Robinson but he stuck to his belief that everyone is equal, therefore just because Tom Robinson is black does not mean Atticus should not defend him. This is important because you would never overcome adversity if you took the easy way out every time. Taking the easy way out mine as well be the same as giving up without trying. If someone has to go the long way to get past a difficulty it is definitely worth it. …show more content…
In To Kill a Mockingbird Bob Ewell spit in Atticus Finch's face because of Atticus's accusation towards Bob Ewell. Atticus did not fight Mr. Ewell or retaliate in anyway, he did nothing and that was the best way Atticus could have overcome that trouble. His reaction was the ideal way because if he had done anything else more difficulties would of occured. When faced with adversity choosing the right way to react is a vital so you are able to continue. Doing this will enable you to continue to persevere and fight past all